Monitor menu randomly appears

Creation date: 11/15/2019 12:51 PM    Updated: 6/18/2021 12:46 PM   monitor menu randomly shutdown shutsdown
The monitor menu on the Dell Wyse 50xx keeps appearing randomly and/or the message to turn off the monitor appears and I need to tap no so the monitor does not turn off.

This is a known bug when your desktop background is a high-resolution picture. The only workaround is to remove the background picture.

From Dell...

Wyse 5040 All-in-One (AIO) Thin Client may shut down or display "Your AIO THIN Client is still on. Do you still want to power it off" when displaying high-resolution images or videos.

Affected Products:

Wyse 5040 All-in-One

This may be due to an issue with the marginal capacitor on the AIO VGA Controller Card.